宗教 Studies, B.A.

宗教研究专业旨在帮助个人澄清他们的宗教信仰和生活目标, think critically about themselves and the world in which they live, 并发展一系列的认知技能,这些技能可以转移到各种重要的生活情况中

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Program Tracks

  • 宗教 Studies
    这门36小时的课程探讨了深刻塑造人类历史和身份的思想和文本. It is an academic field of multi-disciplinary, non-confessional study of religious beliefs, behaviors and institutions. Through coursework and in-depth discussion, 你探索, 比较, interpret and explain religion, emphasizing systematic, historically based and cross-cultural perspectives.

  • Youth and Family Ministry
    This discipline 39-hour program shares similar coursework, 但进一步的重点是在整个地区的宗教组织、社会服务机构和其他以社区为重点的非营利组织提供实际培训和实践经验. 该计划将对宗教研究的学术成分的丰富关注与应用研究和经验相结合.
Joshua Copeland

When I took Religion 100 with Dr. Schwiebert, he pushed my thinking, and I started to consider seminary. 在LR学习圣乐和宗教的同时,我为神学院做了充分的准备.

Joshua Copeland '17, 宗教 Development

Learning Outside of the Classroom

宗教研究的学生受益于课堂之外的各种机会, which offer the experience and training employers seek. 丰富的服务机会存在于校园内外,从教堂到学校 student-led organizations to 实习 and conferences.

实习和导师的机会可以帮助你获得宝贵的经验, working alongside professionals in non-profit, social services or religious based organizations. 劳氏有许多学生组织提供精神支持和服务机会,如路德学生运动, InterVarsity and the Newman Club.

You can also take advantage of many programs offered through LR's Institute for Faith and Learning. Aimed to inspire and enlighten people of all faith traditions, 该学院以演讲者和主办活动为特色,旨在通过神学的视角解决当今世界面临的问题.

Career Opportunities

在宗教研究或青年和家庭事工方面的成功为全面的研究生课程或各种职业机会打开了大门. 研究宗教可以让你在批判性思维方面获得一套独特的技能, understanding other cultures and observation. These skills are often highly sought after by employers.

Religion graduates know how to synthesize ideas, how to explain ideas to others, how to persuade others to their point of view, and how to understand the people who make any business work.

你会学到各种各样的技能,包括阅读和分析, speaking and writing, picking up ideas quickly, critical thinking, 教育学, pattern-finding, drawing conclusions from evidence, 说服, 等.

As a religion student, you are encouraged to think about why you are on earth, about where you are going, 关于过去一些最伟大、最有创造力的思想家对人类存在的意义和生命中最值得做的事情的看法.

这些技能和性格通常转化为广泛的专业机会. More specifically, 宗教专业的学生为读研和/或在牧师的工作机会做准备, social activism and advocacy, governmental or non-profit agencies, Christian education, counseling and human services, and in higher education.

主要 Requirements

本科课程包括宗教研究、青年与家庭事工. 在这两个项目中完成的课程旨在帮助个人澄清他们的宗教信仰和生活目标, 以及为预期进一步学习的人提供准备. Both majors earns a B.A. 学位.


主修宗教研究或青年及家庭事工的学生,经宗教学院评审合格者,可申请, upon invitation, elect to pursue honors work in religion. 要以“荣誉”毕业,学生的累积GPA必须至少达到3分.0, a minimum major GPA of 3.2, and complete nine credits of honors courses in religion, including . 此外,他们还必须获得宗教学院的荣誉提名.

Special Features

  1. 主修宗教研究和哲学两个专业的学生,可以只从满足第一专业要求的课程中扣除6个学分,以满足第二专业的总学分要求.
  2. 同样的限制也适用于选修宗教和哲学专业的主修和辅修课程的学生, 但在这种情况下,只能申请重复课程学分中的三个学分.

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25岁的梅拉尼·莫拉(梅勒妮莫拉)计划去韩国留学一年多了. 现在是美国.S. Department of State is supporting her studies through the Benjamin A. Gilman International 奖学金.


塔比瑟托尼 '99, Ph.D.她将以卓越的眼光和关爱病人的心来领导这个项目.
