Make a Difference in Your Community

Criminal Justice, B.A.

Serve your community and make a difference. 全球网赌十大网站的刑事司法学位为您提供帮助社区的技能, lead change and help those in need.


As a criminal justice student, you will gain a comprehensive knowledge of the field; focused on the development of critical thinking and improvement of oral and written communication.


  • Policing
  • Victimology
  • Corporate and white-collar crime
  • Drug use and abuse
  • Criminology
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Criminal justice research methods and statistics

You will understand why crime exists, become aware of the pertinent factors of criminality, 探索各种预防系统,并学习如何通过研究方法来衡量犯罪.

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Learning Inside & Outside the Classroom

未来的雇主和研究生院会考察你在课堂内外的整个本科学习情况. 充分利用劳氏提供给你的所有机会, including research, study abroad, internships, student clubs and organizations.

  • Internships & Careers


    全球网赌十大网站明白,教育超越了全球网赌十大网站的大学校园. As a student you will complete an internship, 允许你在毕业前应用你在课堂上学到的知识并获得现实世界的经验. 你可以在不同的领域完成实习, including juvenile justice, probation, law enforcement or corrections.

    In addition, 全球网赌十大网站的项目欢迎专业发展的演讲嘉宾以及来自各种刑事司法职业代表的招聘访问. 考虑到这个专业在LR校园之外的突出地位, 在完成学业期间,你将有很多机会把世界变成“学习的实验室”.

    Career Opportunities

    全球网赌十大网站全面的课程将为您提供知识, 了解并有信心在当地从事各种职业, state and national levels.

    • Law enforcement and criminal investigation
    • Prisons and corrections
    • Probations
    • Drug enforcement
    • Transportation security
    • Customs and border security
    • Juvenile justice
    • Public safety
    • Cyber security
    • Forensic accounting
    • Private and personal security
    • Victim advocacy
    • Social services
    • Teaching and research


Jack D. Williams '21


Jack D. Williams '21, Criminal Justice

Major Requirements

刑事司法课程为那些对刑事司法系统的职业感兴趣的学生以及那些计划在各个领域攻读研究生学位的学生做好准备. 该课程为学生提供了对理论的学术上的合理理解, research, and practice as they relate to crime, justice, and our criminal justice system.

Learning Outcomes/Program Objectives:

  • 刑事司法专业学生将展示对刑事司法系统的理解和应用,以及其中发生的基本过程.
  • 刑事司法专业的学生将能够使用刑事司法文献,目标是能够有效地搜索和应用它.
  • 刑事司法专业的学生将具备适当的沟通能力, both written and oral, 包括学科规定的适当的沟通方式.

Assessment Plan:

  • 刑事司法专业的学生将完成一门顶尖课程(), which will include a senior research project. 该项目将包括具体的评估方法,将有意地与学习成果联系起来. 该评估计划将由社会学和刑事司法项目的教师制定.

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Three older students in conversation at Joe's Coffee


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Melanie Mora

25岁的梅拉尼·莫拉(Melanie Mora)计划去韩国留学一年多了. Now the U.S. 国务院支持她通过本杰明·A. Gilman International Scholarship.

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